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Balancing Your Life With the Art of Meditation

SEO Description: Stress is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life. Meditation is an amazing, natural way to manage stress. Read this blog to learn more about meditation.


Stress is an unavoidable aspect of everyday life. Different people react differently to stress. No matter who you are, chances are you don’t find stress to be a pleasant experience. Increased amounts of stress can make you tense, and worried and can take a toll on your mental health. Stress often makes people anxious and can affect their perception of life. This is why it’s important to manage stress well. One amazing way to manage stress and learn to let go is Meditation. Research shows that even just a few minutes of meditation every day can have miraculous effects on one’s stress levels. Meditation promotes inner peace and helps bring you to a state of calm. The best thing about meditation is that pretty much anyone can do it, anywhere. It’s a healthy and inexpensive stress-buster, and it requires nothing but you and the moment you’re in. You can meditate any time of the day, no matter where you are. It’s possible to take a break to meditate during your daily walks, while you’re on the bus, waiting in your doctor’s clinic, or even in the midst of a meeting.

Here at Hijama, we offer wellness coaching that can teach you more in-depth methods of meditation. For now, we’ve put together this blog to help you understand the basics of meditation.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation has been around for centuries. It was originally a way to tap into the mystical and sacred forces of life. There are many forms of meditation, each having its own path. Nowadays, it’s widely used as a way to reduce stress and relax. It is considered to be a form of complementary medicine that focuses on the mind and the body. It works wonders for your mental health and brings you into a deeper state of consciousness over time. Meditation promotes a tranquil and relaxed mind, helping you stay calm no matter what the situation.

Jumbled thoughts are usually a huge contributor to stress. While meditating, you streamline your attention to drown out the usual stream of crowding thoughts. Meditating can enhance your emotional and physical well-being.

Types Of Meditative Practices

Meditation is an umbrella term that encompasses an array of ways to relax. There are lots of relaxation techniques that can be used to meditate. Here are a few of them:

  • Guided Meditation: This is one of the most popular forms of meditation today. In this type of meditation, someone will guide you using mental images and breath-work. They’ll use all your senses to bring you to a state of relaxation.

  • Mindfulness Meditation: This form of meditation brings you a deep focus on the current moment you’re in. It is a way to live in the present moment and increase your awareness. Mindfulness has a huge focus on your breath’s flow, your emotions and your thoughts. It teaches you to be mindful and let things pass without judgement.

  • Mantra Meditation: This meditation form entails the silent repetition of a calming thought, phrase, or word. It’s a great way to self-affirm and manifest amazing things.

  • Tai Chi: A gentle form of Chinese martial arts, Tai Chi focuses on using your body in a graceful manner to reach your energy points. In tai chi, you can pace yourself however you want, and use certain movements and postures to promote energy flow. All the while, breathing deeply to really feel the impact of your slow movements.

  • Yoga: You can’t talk about meditation without mentioning yoga. Yoga is an ancient meditation form that focuses on using your body to heal your mind. While practising yoga, you have to perform a series of postures and breathing exercises. This helps increase your flexibility and is overall beneficial to all aspects of your health.

Benefits Of Meditating

Meditation is amazing for your physical and mental well-being. It promotes peace and balance, bringing you a sense of calm. These benefits are ever-lasting, as long as you remember to be mindful. Meditating can help you in your day-to-day life if you practice it regularly. It can even help alleviate the symptoms of certain medical conditions.

Here are a few benefits of meditation:

  • Skill-building for stress management

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Newfound perspectives on stressful scenarios

  • Living in the moment

  • Reduction in negative emotions

  • Increased creativity and imagination

  • Patience and increased tolerance

Meditation is supported by a growing amount of research, but some researchers believe it is too early to draw any conclusions about its possible benefits.

Keeping that in mind, a few research studies have proven that meditation can help with symptoms of conditions like:

  • Asthma

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic Pain

  • Depression

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Heart Disease

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Insomnia and Sleep Issues

  • Tension Headaches

Meditation is a great addition to your usual medical regime. Be sure to consult your doctor when it comes to using meditation alongside your usual medical treatment. Be aware that meditation isn’t a replacement for medicine, but is a useful addition.

Ways To Meditate At Home

You now know more about what meditation is, the types of meditation, and how it can help you. It’s time to apply this knowledge to your everyday life so you can manage your stress better. Keep in mind that there is no “right” way to meditate. You just have to do what feels right for you. If you’re looking for a good in-depth guide, you can sign up for our well-being coaching classes. Here are a few methods to practice mindfulness and meditation at home. You can use them as a base point and adapt them as your go:

  • Deep breathing: Focusing on your breath is a great way to stay calm and peaceful. When you place all your attention on your breathing, the noise in your head clears out. It helps you stay present and calm.

  • Body-focused relaxation: focus your attention on different parts of your body, in order to slowly relax them. Start with your toes, and work your way up to your head. Focus on the feeling of each part of your body and they will slowly relax. You can combine this with breath-work to really work meditative wonders.

  • Repeat a Mantra: As you know, mantras can be a great way to self-affirm and promote peace. You can repeat a word, phrase, or thought that brings you calm. You can even use this meditation form in coordination with your religious practices.

  • Go For A Walk: Going for a walk can be a meditative experience in itself. It helps you focus your attention on the things that surround you in order to silence your thoughts and bring you peace. Walking slowly and really taking in your surroundings can promote natural mindfulness.

These are simple, everyday ways to meditate. You can adapt these as you go along your path of meditation.


We hope this blog helped you understand meditation and its importance better. If you’re interested in learning more, we offer wellness coaching that can teach you more in-depth methods of meditation. You can sign up on our website!

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