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Don’t Burn Through Your Savings: A Guide To Saving Money On Your Heating Bills

SEO Description: Is your heating bill burning a hole through your pocket? Worry not, here’s a few ways you can reduce your heating bill this month and save money on all your heating bills in the future!


The phrase “Winter is Coming” has a whole new meaning when you live in the UK. When the inevitable cold hits your bones, it also hits your bank because you tend to spend a lot more on heating than usual. There are many ways you can prevent yourself from going broke paying heating bills, though. Here’s a little guide we’ve put together for you to help you understand how you can lower your heating bill!

Understanding Your Household’s Energy Consumption

Before you can save on something, it’s integral to know how it works and just how much you’re putting into it annually. According to the Energy Saving Trust (April 2020), household heating and hot water usually accounts for around 55% of your household’s total energy bills.

With a whopping average of £1,287 per year, you spend a huge chunk of your money yearly on your home’s energy bill, with more than half of that amount just going into heating. Not to mention, heating actually accounts for the highest proportion of UK Household carbon emissions - which is more than even transport and aviation!

How To Save Money On Your Heating Bill

Now that you’re aware of the enormous expenditure that comes with household heating, read on to see a few in-house tips from Rennils on how you can lower your heating bill and be more efficient with your at-home energy consumption.

Rennils’ Guide On How To Reduce Your Heating Bills

Saving on your heating bill may seem like a herculean task, but with these simple tips, you can transform your net energy consumption on heating and lower your heating bill significantly.

Here’s a few simple tips on how to go about it:

  1. Update Your Boiler and Heating Controls: Old boilers may cost less than new models, but they aren’t as efficient as new ones. You may think you’re saving money when you buy an old model, but you’re actually increasing your heating bill because of the inefficiency. With newer boiler models, you have a whole bunch of options and controls specific to your needs so you can optimize your heating controls and in turn, save on your heating bill. This is a long-term solution. Newer boilers come with smart controls and these controls are integral to regulating your energy usage. Some of the controls include (but are not limited to):

  • Timer: This helps you schedule your heat usage and you can set your timer to the heat on and off when you need.

  • Weather Compensating Thermostat: This feature changes your heating setting according to the environmental temperature, so you only use heat when it’s necessary and you don’t waste energy.

  • Programmer: This allows you to set different times and temperatures for different days of the week. You can use this feature to match your local weather predictions and save on your heating bill significantly.

2. Clean Your Radiator System:

By simply making sure your radiator system is clean, you’re ensuring effective usage of energy and heating your household with more efficiency. Your radiator system has water and when this water is unclean or sludgy, it makes your energy usage significantly less efficient and so you spend more with fewer benefits.

3. Make Sure Your Boiler Is On The Right Setting:

Your boiler doesn’t need to run on it’s highest setting throughout the entire year. You only need it to run at full speed when it’s super cold out, but it’s easy to get caught up with work and forget to change the settings according to the environmental temperature. Set a small reminder on your phone or make a mental note to change the settings (if you have to do it manually). With newer boiler models, however, these settings come in-built into the smart controls so you don’t have to deal with the hassle of remembering.

4. Zone Your Heating: You probably use one room in your house more than the other. It’s good to keep this in mind while playing with your heating settings. Instead of having one thermostat to heat your whole house, you can install separate heating circuits for each room so you can zone the temperatures in different areas of your house rather than blowing up all your energy on heating the entire house when you’re only really using one or two areas of your house in a moment. Setting lower temperatures for areas you don’t use as frequently (like a guest bedroom, or office/kitchen when not in use) will save a lot of energy and money alike.

5. Think About Installing a Low-Carbon System:

It’s been an age-old dream to cut down net consumption of fossil fuels. From the mid-2030s, the government plans to phase out the installation of fossil fuel-run gas boilers entirely. Once in action, all newly installed heating systems will have to be low-carbon or converted to use clean fuel / renewable energy. This transition will lead to cleaner and more efficient heating systems in the UK. You can get a head start on this by considering installing a low-carbon heating system. They have the potential to drastically lower your heating bill while also saving energy.

These are some of the simplest ways to make your energy consumption more efficient and help you save money on your heating bills in the future. Rennils offers these services and more, so if you’re considering cutting down on costs, you should give us a ring and we’ll optimize your house’s heating and help you install the right heater so you can lower your heating bill for a decent price.

Welcome to the Anthropocene: Your Heating Bill And The Environment

We live in a world where human beings currently have the highest impact on mother nature. Our lives are so fast-paced and energy-oriented that it’s easy to forget about the environment we are directly impacting with our developmental needs. Luckily, more and more people are shaking off the veil of ignorance and trying to reduce their carbon footprints over time.

As we enter a new age of consciousness where people are more aware of their impact on the environment, you learn that saving on your heating bill is actually super symbiotic with helping reduce the impacts of climate change. So, when you’re cutting back on costs and learning how to lower your heating bill, you’re not only easing the strain on your pockets, but you’re also cutting the environment some slack significantly. If we all learned how to save money on our heating bills, we can significantly bring down our global carbon footprint and enjoy the benefits of our beautiful planet. In the long-term, the climate may just cut us some slack right back so we don’t have to use that much heating/cooling for our homes!


This small guide on efficient energy consumption could help you save money on your heating bill in the future with some really small and simple changes. To know more about how you can up your household’s game and run it like a well-oiled machine, visit Rennils and our partners will help you with all things plumbing and heating related (and more!). We work well for household emergencies and provide you with premium services.

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